Introducing the american Opossum

It is no secret that the Possum is one of my favorite creatures. It may look fierce and dangerous but it is hands down, the most docile creature I deal with. Unlike any other animal in North America, the opossum is a marsupial and the only North American mammal, other than humans, with opposing thumbs. They benefit us and nature for their feeding habits that included clearing the forest floor of carrion and eating disease carrying ticks.  The mother Opossum may give birth to as many as 8 offspring. They are born tiny and hairless and totally dependent on the mother for nourishment. The mother will carry them in a pouch on her belly, much like the pouch of a kangaroo, where the babies feed and develop. Once they outgrow their mothers pouch, she will carry them with her, clinging to her back, until they are winged and large enough to fend for themselves.

When threatened, their first response is to flee. But they are slow and awkward and easily overtaken by just a brisk walking pace. When running away fails, they fall over and play dead. This has come to be known as “Playing Possum”. They will show their teeth a drool heavily in the attempt of appearing dead and not worth harassing. When startled, they may hiss loudly in an effort to sound intimidating. 

In the wild, they make great neighbors and present no danger to humans or pets. But in the crawl space beneath your home, they can cause lots of damage by ripping out insulation and tearing apart heating ducts looking to build nest. Their droppings can make quite a mess and may attract rodents and insects.

I treat these animals with kid gloves, humanely trapping and removing them and releasing them elsewhere, unharmed.

So, if you think you may have a family of opossums living under your house, call me now! 919 735-3942