One Day While We Were Fishing...


Hyde County, North Carolina can boast one of the most beautiful fishing spots in the state. Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge holds a 52,000 acre natural lake and miles and miles of canals teaming with wildlife along with variety of fish, blue crabs and, of course, TURTLES.

As you drive down the gravel drive from highway 94 to the refuge office, you’ll see these prehistoric looking hard backs sunning themselves on the bank and crowded logs protruding from the water. At times while fishing, you may see one up close when you drag it in on the end of your line.


Hmmm… Now you have a problem. How do you get the critter off your hook and back in the water without losing a finger or causing it any more pain or damage than the hook has already done?


Very carefully!... I find that a long set of needle nose pliers works best for me.

One particular day, on a much needed family vacation with friends, my buddy caught this old timer and drug him up on the bank.

“Can you get the hook out?” I was asked.

“Why, sure I can.” I answered confidently.

Well, it was imbedded a bit tighter than I would have expected. It took a bit of work to get it out and this mossy back fellow was NOT cooperating. With a final yank, it popped out. The poor guy felt the pain and there was a bit of blood where the hook tore his, ah, well, for lack of a better term I’ll just have to say, his gum. Yep. The hook tore at his gum.

 Well, as you can imagine, Mister Turtle was none too pleased with me, even though I had just freed him.

 I found myself having to ward off a vicious attack!

“Yikes! This dude is after me!” I tried backing up but he just followed, intent on retaliating for the hole in his mouth.  I would turn out of his way only to have him turn with me.

I would turn again only to have this determined beast follow me. I mean he was actually trying to chase me down!

Another turn and this booger was still in hot pursuit! He was bound and determined to get me for the pain he felt in his lower jaw.

“Go get him!” I shouted and pointed to my friend. “He’s the one that hooked you!”  But with blood in his eyes, Mr. “T” still only saw me!

“What is wrong with you, Dude?” I’d shout at him. Like a turtle possessed, he was on a mission.

After a few anxious moments and some ribbing from my buddy, I was finally able to get behind him and coax him back into the water.


We had a good laugh about it many times since, but I think we can all get a valuable lesson from this: When fishing in water where American Snapping turtles may reside, “Wear some good shoes!”