Wildlife Conservation for Scouting

We support Scouts and Scouting. Being a Scout leader myself, I understand the importance of guiding and teaching kids to become the leaders of tomorrow. I believe that knowledge of wildlife and our natural surroundings is important for the next generation to insure that our natural resource will always be there to be enjoyed by generations to come.


To that end, I also offer Wildlife Conservation classes for Scouts to earn their belt loops, pins,and merit badges. In this class Scouts learn why conservation is important, for now as well as the future. I hope that they learn a new respect for wild animals and their environment as well.



I use my experience as a hunter, trapper and Wildlife Damage control Agent to engage the kids in a fun and interesting class, that gives them knowledge they can use for years to come. They learn about habitat, endangered species, the importance of the food chain and even some important safety tips, for when they are out in the wilderness. And a good nature hike for animal track identification is always fun and exciting.


The class is geared more for Bears and Webelos, as the older boys tend to show more interest and get more from it, but Tigers and Wolves will not be turned away. The merit badge class for the older Scouts is more in depth and teaches Fish and Game Management.


Regrettably, due to the cost involved, a small fee will be required to cover expenses and learning materials; but, the cost will be kept to a minimum. This fee may be increased due to mileage traveled, but will be a bargain considering the content covered and the knowledge gained.


If you would like for your Scouts to have this opportunity then be sure to give us a call at 919 735-3942, and reference Wildlife Conservation in your message.


I look forward to serving you and our next generation!