Saving You Hunting Grounds



By now, all of you have seen what the coyote can do to your hunt. You have seen your game numbers decrease and the ones left being more skittish than normal. This can make for a miserable hunt at times.

The coyote is fairly new to North Carolina and their numbers are growing. The coyote is an invasive species who has never before lived in the North Carolina wild and have NO natural enemies here. They eat almost anything but seem to have a taste for deer. Newly born fawns don’t stand a chance against this keen hunter who will collect them in great numbers to feed their own offspring. Although wildlife biologist say they won’t, we have seen evidence of the coyotes packing together and using coordinated tactics to hunt and bring down even healthy adult deer.

Deer are not the only game affect by this ravenous eater. Rabbit, quail, turkey, duck, geese and anything that lives or nest on the ground is fair game for the coyote. Even fox will be killed an eaten by this apex predator.

Once they move into an area they are almost impossible to eradicate and are there to stay. Recognizing the potential problem, the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission has opened a hunting season on them that extends year round.  They can be taken anytime with a firearm and I would encourage you to take them at every opportunity. But the problem with taking them with a firearm is many times you only get one from the pack or family group. They learn what the shot sounds like and can readily associate it with your call. Trapping is a better way to alleviate the problem as traps are silent and we can remove the entire family group. But they can only be trapped during regular fur bearer season. And then only by a licensed trapper or wildlife Damage control Agent.


Trapping the coyote can be difficult as they have keen instincts and learn from every miss of the trap. If you’ve never had any training or experience on coyote trapping, it’s best left to the professionals that will do the job right the first time.

You have a lot of money, time and sweat invested in your hunt. You pay property leases, club dues, have hundreds or even thousands tied up in equipment, maybe even more in food plots and bait programs and for what? To let some invasive predator, that shouldn’t even be here in the first place, come in and ruin your hunt?

We cannot write depredation permits to take coyotes because they are eating wild game. This is considered to be natural food for them and not “damage”.

But there is hope! Trapping season is right around the corner and we can take them legally in foot hold traps.  If you have noticed a definite change in your hunting success, due to lack of numbers or nervous game then give us a call at 919 735-3942 and let me scout your area and offer solutions. With reasonable pricing I can help you control the numbers of this unwanted competition.

Trained by the NCWRC and with more than 9 years of experience with these predators, I am the State Certified and licensed answer to you coyote problem. Call me today! It could mean the difference between taking that trophy buck... Or just taking a nap up a tree.

No critter too nasty for Call of the Wild!