The coyote is a social animal. They tend to stay in their family groups which will include the alfa male and female and their pups up to the age of 2. This means there could be 2 or more litters of siblings in one group. Once they reach maturaity, they leave to find their own mates and territory or are driven off by the mating pair to make room for the next litter of pups.
Thier legs tend to be longer than the average dog of comparable size. Their snouts are long and slender, ears erect and pointed, and the tail will be bushy.
Their size is much the same as an average medium size dog. Border collie size or just a hair larger.
Count the pups in this photo. An average litter will contain 6 to 8 pups. More where food is plentiful and the winters are mild.
I hope this helps you to recognize the next coyote you happen to see wandering about the neighborhood or crossing the back of the field where you may hunt.
Latest comments
There is none. All that's mentioned is "native" wildlife and there are tons or restrictions there.I think there needs to be more restrictions on exotic pets just makes good sense.
Howdy, Mike! Welcome to my web site!
I've checked the regulations for some mention of exotics. There is none. All that's mentioned is "native" wildlife and there are tons or restrictions there.
I think there needs to be more restrictions on exotic pets just makes good sense. If allowed only qualified people with proper facilities shold be able too .But dont understand why I cant gig frogs!