Safe and Humane Exclusions

The most common species of bat here in Eastern North Carolina is the Little Brown Bat. This fascinating creature lives in colonies of most any size. Colony numbers can be as small as 20 or 30 of as large as 3000 or more depending on the space they have to roost and the number of seasons they return there. They are nocturnal creatures coming out late in the evenings to feed during the night, returning to their roost by first mornings light. They stay with us from early spring into the fall and migrate southwards, at times as far south as South America, for winter and return in early spring to the same roost where they were born. Natural habits vary from caves to crevices in rock formation, old hollow trees, and abandoned buildings such as old barns or houses. But because of deforestation, urban sprawl, and man’s ever preceding encroachment on natural habit, they quickly adapt to roosting in attics, walls, ceilings, the occasional chimney and fireplace, and out buildings where humans live.

While being very beneficial for the amount of bugs they eat, having a colony roosting in your attic or inside your walls can cause a variety of problems. They amount of excrements or “Guano” they produce can stain many types of building materials and the foul stench will permeate through insulation, ceiling tiles and even porous Masonite, brick and cement blocks. Guano also attracts rodents and insects as well as dust mites and bacteria that can be harmful to humans. Clean up cost can tally into the thousands as the contaminated materials will have to be removed and replaced with new.

Being protected by law, we are not to harm them. I place excluders over their entry and exit points to remove them from where they are not wanted. Excluders are one way valves designed to allow the bats to fly out but preventing them from reentering. Once they are all gone and have found a new roost, I remove the excluders and seal off any point where they may gain reentry.

If you would like them out of your attic but still kept in the area, I also build and install bat houses to give them an optional roost once they have been evicted. My bat houses can hold as many as 2000 or more bats or I can build custom houses if you feel they need more room.

For professional bat removal,

919 735-3942