Gray Squirrel

The most common squirrel we have in Eastern North Carolina is the Gray Squirrel.  Very active in the daylight hours, scurrying around in search of food and playing with its siblings amongst the branches. In the evenings, they go back to their nest for a good night’s rest, just to start all over again the next morning at daybreak. As they gather nuts and seeds from various trees, they tend to stash their fortunes by burying them in the ground. Many of the seeds they bury for later are either lost or forgotten and it is in this manner, they help to spread the growth of new trees when these seeds germinate and sprout in the spring.

Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrels have got to be some of the most adorable rodents on the planet. Rarely seen, they are nocturnal and do their food gathering and social activities at night. They come out just after sunset and return to their nest before sunrise. They are very social creatures and tend to live in colonies or one large family unit. Maybe only a third of the gray squirrels size, but they have a flap of skin on each side attached to their ankles. When they leap, they spread these flaps like wings and can glide on the air for long distances to touch down precisely where they aimed in another tree.


All squirrels are rodents, and their incisors continue to grow throughout their life. It is for this fact that they must gnaw constantly to keep these incisors worn down, lest they grow too large for use and they squirrel starves to death. So, what do squirrels chew on... Everything! They can strip insulation off wires in the attic where they can also be destructive by chewing on wood work. We have seen them chewing through the rubber gas lines on automobiles, air conditioning pads, porch railings and even the wire aluminum ties on chain lick fencing! Repairs can be costly when they chew through the soffit, boxing or gable ends to gain entry to your attic. If you notice you have squirrels, then you need to call me now!

919 735-3942