Anytime you are fortunate enough to encounter wildlife there are some precautions you should take to ensure your own safety. Remember that these are wild animals and can be unpredictable. Just because the critter looks cute and cuddly doesn’t mean that you should give it a big ole hug! Wild animals, while interesting and enjoyable to watch can be dangerous. Nature has given them weapons in which to defend themselves or to use for hunting. Even the seemingly defenseless deer has hooves that can tear a nasty gash into its attacker.  Trust me on this one! I know from personal experience! Teeth, hooves, claws, talons, beaks, and even tails can be formidable weapons and wild animals wield them like Samuria warriors when threatened.  

Follow a few simple rules while observing wildlife and you’ll be fine:

1)      Give the animal its space. Don’t approach it or try to corner it. This could be perceived as a threat putting the animal on defense. Remember that wild animals may lash out violently when cornered or threatened.

2)      Do not feed them! I know it’s tempting but feeding them tends to take away the natural fear they have. If you don’t have enough to fill the animal and all its friends, then there could be trouble when the potato chips run out. Besides, most of the food we eat is not good for them.

3)      Do not follow. If the animal decides it’s time to leave and walks away, let it go. If you try to follow to get a better picture or whatever reason, it may perceive this to be a threat. If it happens to have young close by it may perceive this to be a threat to them.

4)      Take lots of pictures! You have no guarantee that you will ever have this opportunity again. Enjoy it while you can.

Most wild animals fear you, so try not to make any sudden moves or loud noises that may spook them. Stay calm and quiet and you may extend your observation time.